New & Full Moons 2024
All Dates Eastern Time
Jan. 11 New Moon 20Capricorn44
Jan. 25 Full Moon 05Leo15
Feb. 9 New Moon 20Aqu41
Feb. 24 Full Moon 05Virgo23
March 10 New Moon 20Pisces17
March 25 FM Lunar Eclipse 05Libra07
April 8 Total Solar Eclipse 19Aries24
April 23 Full Moon 04Scorpio18
May 7 New Moon 18Taurus02
May 23 Full Moon 02Sagittarius55
June 6 New Moon 16Gemini18
June 21 Full Moon 01Capricorn07
July 5 New Moon 14Cancer23
July 21 Full Moon 29Capricorn09
August 4 New Moon 12Leo34
August 19 Full Moon 27Aquarius15
Sept. 2 New Moon 11Virgo04
Sept. 17 FM Lunar Eclipse 25Pisces41
Oct. 2 NM Solar Eclipse 10Libra04
Oct. 17 Full Moon 24Aries35
Nov. 1 New Moon 09Scorpio35
Nov. 15 Full Moon 24Taurus01
Dec. 1 New Moon 9Sagittarius33
Dec. 15 Full Moon 23Gemini53
Dec. 30 New Moon 9Capricorn44
2024 Eclipses
March 25
Lunar Eclipse
April 8
Total Solar Eclipse
September 18
Lunar Eclipse
October 02
Solar Eclipse
Mercury R/D
Mercury R 04/01 27Aries13
Mercury D 04/25 15Aries59
Mercury R 08/04 04Virgo06
Mercury D 08/28 21Leo25
Mercury R 11/25 22Sag40 Mercury D 12/15 06Sag 24
Mars R/D
Mars R 12/6, 2024 6Leo10, Mars D 2/23, 2025 17 Cancer 01
Aries: To get through winter's dark months, socialize as much as you can and make friends with adventurous people. Joining a community fills your time. Motivation is high for career achievement. Don't be afraid to show courage and initiative in a public setting.
Taurus: Expect to attend a wonderful celebration, be it a wedding, anniversary or special birthday. Introspection may be a welcome friend. Enjoy a retreat or spa visit, anything that allows you to reconnect with your inner self. Be open to new exploits and opportunities.
Gemini: Travel with friends and colleagues and expect to experience the joys only new vistas can bring. Be sure priorities are set properly. You may be helping a senior person who relies on your good judgment. Learn from past mistakes with children and youths.
Cancer: A dynamic presenter can stimulate new ideas for healthy living and healing potions. Spring is the perfect time for a trip to the beach and if that isn't possible visit an aquarium or peaceful lake for inspiration. A Sagittarius or Taurus friend lends a hand.
Leo: Romantic relationships are titillating and perilous. It's a good idea to look before you leap into uncharted waters. Consult with a wise and trusted person for answers to your perplexing questions. Check financial distributions and banking records, errors do happen.
Virgo: Winter is a good time to get back to the gym. If that's not possible, commit to a more healthy regime to help build discipline. Try increasing your financial reserves. Long- term security insures a happier retirement. Look around, good food is not far away.
Libra: Comments and suggestions from a partner can lead to the development of more wholesome habits. Romance or pleasurable pursuits can be enhanced by an Aquarius or Aries. Now is a good time to organize your household. Discard unnecessary items.
Scorpio: Spruce up your bedroom or other room in your house where you spend a lot of time. A few decorating changes can make the winter fly by. Reunions are possible with a youngster or ex-lover. Be open to change. Check out vitamins and herbs that invigorate.
Sagittarius: It is not too early to be thinking about landscape changes. Engage the help of a creative friend and draw a map. A child or youngster may surprise you with a positive declaration. Offer plenty of encouragement and support. A small influx of money is likely.
Capricorn: Mars motivates you to take risks and engage in big projects that keep you busy and out of the doldrums. Expect new wardrobe additions, take a risk and try something snazzy. Put time indoors to good use with household repairs and renovations.
Aquarius: You are excited and energized about many new projects and proceed without trepidation. Small changes inside your automobile make your car new again. Earnings should be cautiously and fairly distributed. Balance is the key to having enough money.
Pisces: Saturn continues to bring focus, discipline and responsibility. Closure is needed for a past relationship so you can move forward unencumbered. A friend may have the know-how you need to either make repairs or advise you on an important issue.